I've been pretty busy these last few days working on and making up my Phonics Sound Boxes to send home with my kiddos for their phonics homework.
I often find that sending home hands on phonics homework can be quite difficult and we just resort to the same old boring worksheet that doesn't make phonics that fun for kids! Not anymore!!
I set up my boxes by cutting out and laminating my cards in various colours - you can read more about how to set them up if you purchase my pack. I won't lie, it was not fun! I had lots of cups of tea and blasted my music to get me through it, but I knew that it would be worth it! To make up 15 boxes took me around an hour, so it wasn't TOO bad!
And here's the Phase 2 set made up! I haven't made my other packs up as I don't teach Phases 3-5 in Nursery, but I know that if I move year groups I'll have them handy for when they're needed!
I have used sound boxes before (not this cute!) but I found that if I sent out the sounds after each session children would forget their bags, or boxes, or they'd get mixed up and it was just SUCH a headache!
Therefore I've opted to send all of the sounds home at once and send out a letter to parents explaining how to use the box and I'll then send out a cute brightly coloured slip after each sound/word is taught;
The letters are editable so they look completely personalised - you also get a copy of the stickers to print off or a pdf of the sticker file so you can order them if you're lazy like I am!
Now you can use the sounds/words in a variety of ways and this is what's great about the box because the parents can differentiate it and use it depending on the ability of their child!!
You can use the tiles as little flashcards to support recognition;
You can use them to build words and practise segmenting/blending;
Or you can use it to build simple sentences and practise reading sentences and fluency;
I know that over in the UK we have a different phonics scheme to the US but I just wanted to share with you the sounds and words that are covered in these packs;
It has UK and US spelling of practise/practice on the slip cards.
If you are interested then you can find them in the following stores;
Here are the overviews of the packs;